Microsoft Exchange Conference (MEC) 2014 videos online

The videos from the Microsoft Exchange Conference (MEC) 2014 are online on Channel 9: The videos can also be downloaded. I've already come across a lot of interesting videos, it's definitely worth a look if you weren't able to attend the MEC. If you don't want to download all the videos individually, you can find a download tool here, which ... Read more

Exchange 2010/2013: Assigning permissions to folders and subfolders in a mailbox

Here is a small script that assigns permissions to folders and subfolders in a mailbox for users. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to inherit permissions within a mailbox. Therefore here is a small workaround: $mailbox = read-host "mailbox" $folder = read-host "mailbox folder" $user = read-host ... Read more

Windows Server: Block IP address after failed logins (Quick & Dirty)

Anyone who publishes Exchange servers and their web interfaces directly via port forward on the Internet may be familiar with the problem: Someone tries to guess the users and passwords or tries to access the mail accounts using brute force. Unfortunately, neither the Windows on-board tools nor Exchange Server offer the possibility to block the IP address after a few failed login attempts. Here ... Read more

Exchange 2013: Separating address lists (address book policies)

Address book policies can be used to present customized address books to users. This can be useful if you want to include several companies in an Exchange organization, but do not want users from company A to be able to see all users from company B. Address book policies and customized address books can also make sense for multiple locations. So let's assume we have ... Read more

Update for Windows Server 2012 R2 available in MSDN

Subscribers to the Microsoft Developer Network have access to the update for Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 announced today as a "Spring Update". The update mainly brings improvements for mouse control, which is particularly useful for Windows Server. The update will be officially delivered on April 8th via Windows Update. With the next update ... Read more

Exchange 2013: Installation of the Edge Transport Role (Part 1)

With Service Pack 1, the Edge Transport Role is also available for Exchange 2013. If you wanted to use the Edge Transport Role before Service Pack 1, you had to install Exchange 2010 or Exchange 2007 as Edge. In this article I describe the installation of the Exchange 2013 Edge Transport Role on a Windows Server 2012 R2. ... Read more

Exchange 2010: Find old ActiveSync partnerships

Over time, users often accumulate many old ActiveSync partnerships that have not been used for a long time. The following script can be used to find old ActiveSync partnerships: $LastSuccessSyncBefore = 180 $FirstSyncDateBefore = 180 #----------------------------- $today = get-date $lastsyncdate = $today.AddDays(-$LastSuccessSyncBefore) $firstsyncdate = $today.AddDays(-$FirstSyncDateBefore) $results =@() $activesyncdevicelist = Get-ActiveSyncDevice -resultsize ... Read more

Exchange 2013: Message flow, connectors and queues

This article is once again about some basic knowledge. It's about the message flow, the connectors and the queues. Some things are identical to Exchange 2010, but a few things have changed. More on this in a moment. Message flow (mailflow) In Exchange 2007/2010 there were 3 roles that were required to operate Exchange: HubTransport, ClientAccess ... Read more

General: Customized design

Today FrankysWeb presents itself in a new design. The content area has become a little wider, so in future screenshots will be easier to recognize without having to enlarge them. In addition, FrankysWeb now also looks good on smartphones and tablets Smiley

Here is an old screenshot for comparison (R.I.P.):
