Installation Exchange 2010 on Server 2012

Exchange 2010 is currently still frequently installed, mostly to migrate Exchange 2003. If you want to replace Exchange 2003 and use Exchange 2013, you also have to take the intermediate step via Exchange 2010. Since Exchange 2010 SP3, installation on Server 2012 is supported, but a few requirements must be met beforehand, especially if the ... Read more

Happy Sysadmin Day

Today it's that time again. It's Sysadmin Day! The holiest holiday of the year, so it's time to treat yourself: it was delicious, by the way :-) Now it's time to take the plane back home. I wonder if Michel starved to death in the engine room! I hope he got his cake :-) Greetings to all sysadmins who ... Read more

Exchange 2007/2010/2013: Set up Blackberry 10 for ActiveSync

To complete the setup of the Active Sync Clients, here are the instructions for the current Blackberry OS 10. The instructions for the other smartphone operating systems can be found here: Windows Phone 8: Android 4: iOS, Android 2.X, Windows Phone 7, Windows Mobile: But now for the setup: Select "Settings" on the start screen Then ... Read more

Exchange 2010: Extremely fast log file growth (2)

And once again extremely fast log file growth in the Exchange environment. I had this problem once before, when it was iPhones with the iOS bug. This time, however, there were no affected iPhones to be found. In this case, the Exchange User Monitor helped me to identify a user who had caused the problem. ... Read more

Exchange 2010/2013: Automatic out-of-office note

Users often forget to maintain their out-of-office note in Outlook when they are on vacation, for example. A possible solution would be to automatically enter the out-of-office note if a central calendar is maintained that users invite when they are on vacation. I have created a small script for this purpose, which queries a calendar via EWS and automatically ... Read more

Exchange 2010: Impersonation does not work (HTTP 500)

A somewhat tougher nut to crack, apparently the impersonation feature suddenly stopped working for some users. A UC software was no longer able to retrieve the contacts from the user's mailbox. Unfortunately, the software returned an error message like this: "Does not work" There were also no entries in the event logs on the Exchange server and ... Read more

Exchange 2013 CU2 published

The CU2 for Exchange 2013 RTM was released today. It can be downloaded here: Installation instructions and a list of changes can be found on the Exchange Team Blog: A schema update is also required. As usual, the CU2 is the complete Exchange package, so almost 1.4 GB must be downloaded.

Exchange Migration: Split mailboxes alphabetically across databases

When migrating from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013, it makes sense to distribute the mailboxes alphabetically to the new Exchange 2013 databases. I have therefore created a script that divides all mailboxes of a source database into the target databases according to the first letter of the name: param ( [string]$Database , [string]$Defaultdatabase , [bool]$CreateMoveRequest ) write-host " Process ... Read more