Internal certification body: Issue certificates with a validity of more than 2 years

Anyone who has followed my howtos (Server 2008R2-Exchange 2010 and Server 2012-Exchange 2013) for an internal certification authority and SAN certificates may also want to issue certificates with a validity of more than 2 years. A validity of more than 2 years can already be specified in the certificate template. However, the certificates are still only valid for ... Read more

Optimization Kemp Loadbalancer for Exchange 2013 DAG

In this series of articles, I set up a highly available test environment with Kemp load balancers. As it was a test environment, I was more interested in the function than the optimum. However, there are a few things that can be tweaked to optimize the environment. Here are the most important ones: Switch on stateful failover and reduce HA timeouts: ... Read more

Exchange 2013: Test system with Database Availbility Group (DAG) and Kemp load balancers

I have created a test environment with Kemp load balancers and an Exchange 2013 DAG, as the posts are a bit longer, I have split them up. To make it easier to find them again, here is a table of contents with the corresponding links: Part 1: Description of the test environment and Exchange 2013 installation Part 2: Configuration of the Kemp load balancers for HA (High ... Read more

Exchange 2013: Test system with Database Availability Group (DAG) and Kemp load balancers (Part 5)

In the last part of this series of articles, we test the configured HA environment. The environment has not yet been optimized, but the results are quite impressive. Here you can see that Outlook 2013 no longer connects to the Exchange Server FQDN, but to a value consisting of "Mailbox GUID + @ + UPN Suffix" In the ... Read more

Server 2008R2: DFS replication over WAN very slow

Today the problem occurred that the FileServer replication via DFS over a site-to-site VPN was extremely slow. Normally, the WAN connection has a bandwidth of 6 Mbit/s, which was also achieved when manually copying data. However, the DFS replication was bobbing along at a pitiful 20KBit/s. As this was an initial synchronization of the file servers, it should have been possible with ... Read more

Exchange 2013: Test system with Database Availability Group (DAG) and Kemp load balancers (part 4)

In parts 1, 2 and 3 of this series of articles, we have already installed the Exchange servers, configured the load balancers for HA and created a DAG. Now the Exchange configuration for load balancing and the actual load balancer configuration are still missing to make the Exchange CAS role highly available. We will take care of this in this article. So let's take care of ... Read more

Exchange 2013: SAN certificate and internal certification authority (CA)

In this HowTo I describe how to install an internal certification authority and how to have a SAN certificate issued for Exchange 2013. This HowTo is not intended for a productive environment. The implementation of a certification authority must be planned carefully. In my test environment I have installed 2 Windows Server 2012 Datacenter, 1 DC + CA ... Read more

Exchange 2013: Test system with Database Availability Group (DAG) and Kemp load balancers (part 3)

Before we set up the DAG, we quickly configure the environment by first logging in to the ECP (https://exchangeserver/ecp) Under Message flow we add a new Accepted domain, in this example it is Then we create a new send connector And now an e-mail address policy Now we can configure the DAG. ... Read more

Exchange 2013: Test system with Database Availability Group (DAG) and Kemp load balancers (part 2)

The Exchange servers have already been installed in part 1, in this part the Kemp load balancers are configured for HA operation. First, the default IP is changed to an address for the test network And then the default gateway: And the DNS servers I select "LB1" as the host name so that the devices can be identified more easily Then ... Read more

Exchange 2013: Test system with Database Availability Group (DAG) and Kemp load balancers (Part 1)

It's almost like Christmas: 2 new HP servers and 2 Kemp load balancers arrived today. The systems are actually intended for an Exchange 2010 cluster, but since there is still a little time left, it makes sense to test Exchange 2013 high availability with the systems. The following hardware is available for the test ... Read more