
On this page, I present my small private projects that interested me out of sheer curiosity. So this is less about the practical benefits and more about the challenge and curiosity. Nevertheless, some projects may open up new avenues for professional implementation.

So the projects on this page are all little private craft stories that I tried out at some point. Some things have been developed further in the meantime, others were quickly buried again. A good example of a successful project is the "Exchange Reporter", which is now used by some well-known organizations that sometimes have very large Exchange environments.

The successful things have now been given their own page on my website and have also been mentioned on other large websites or in magazines. The small projects now have a place here. Maybe they will grow into something more grown up.

Some things remain gimmicks, some deepen knowledge, some are total nonsense. Whatever the outcome, it was always instructive. Not all the projects presented are meant to be one hundred percent serious.

Discussions and comments on the projects are expressly welcome.