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Protect Windows file servers from ransomware (Update 2)

I have already published some approaches to getting the ransomware plague under control here:

However, I also receive many emails every day asking what else is possible. I have to say: it depends...

The scripts in the articles do not work in every environment, but probably need to be adapted somewhat. The list of file extensions has also become outdated and needs to be adapted. This needs to be changed from time to time.

I have therefore once the Script from this article slightly adapted to show further possibilities:

$logfile = "c:\Scripts\logfile.csv"
$events = Get-EventLog -LogName application -Source SRMSVC -After (get-date).AddMinutes(-10) | select ReplacementStrings -Unique
if ($events.count -gt 50)
		stop-computer -force
		foreach ($event in $events)
				$sourceuser = $event.ReplacementStrings[0]
				$smbsharepath = $event.ReplacementStrings[1]
				#Versuchen den Rechner zu finden
				$openfiles = Get-SmbOpenFile | where {$_.clientusername -like "$sourceuser"}
				$PCIP = $openfiles.clientcomputername | select -first 1
				$PCFQDN = (Resolve-DnsName $pcip | where {$_.section -match "answer"}).Namehost
				$PCUNC = $PCFQDN.split(".")[0]
				#Infos ausgeben
				write-host "Benutzer:" $sourceuser
				write-host "Freigabe:" $smbsharepath
				write-host "IP des PCs:" $pcip
				write-host "FQDN des PCs" $PCFQDN
				write-host "PC UNC Name" $PCUNC
				#Freigabe blocken (Freigabe Rechte für Benutzer auf Verweigern stellen)
				$blockaccess = Get-SmbShare | where {$_.path -like $smbsharepath} | Block-SmbShareAccess -AccountName $sourceuser -Force
				$log = "$sourceuser" + ";" + "$smbsharepath" + "$pcname"
				$log | add-content $logfile
				#PC des BEnutzers runterfahren
				Stop-Computer -ComputerName $PCUNC -force
				#Benutzerkonto sperren (AD Modul für PowerShell benötigt)
				Get-ADUser $sourceuser | Disable-ADAccount				

The script returns the recognized values, something like this:

Whether you block the user account in the Active Directory, shut down the user's PC, shut down the file server or deny access rights to the share is up to you. Of course, these methods can also backfire: User accidentally or intentionally saves a file with a corresponding change on a share and shuts down the file server(s)...

So there are many things that have to be taken into account, you could also only have an e-mail sent when a corresponding file is found, it's just stupid if the e-mail is not read at night. But you could adapt the script to the business hours: Within business hours: Mail to the admin, Outside business hours: Shut down the user's PC.

Everything conceivable, everything feasible, with a little PowerShell...

Oh yes, what is also quite helpful: A good and CURRENT backup! When was the last time the restore was tested? J

And that brings us to the next point: If encryption cannot be prevented with certainty, then I have to make sure that data loss is kept to a minimum if the worst comes to the worst. Here you could also think about Windows VSS snapshots. For example, a small script that triggers a VSS snapshot every 30 minutes and leaves 4 versions, for example.

Generell muss sich jeder Admin von FileServern Gedanken machen, wie man sich am Besten vor Ransomware schützt. „Geld gegen Daten“ könnte die neue „Penisverlängerung“ werden. Nur fällt auf Mails mit „Penisverlängerung“ _kaum_ jemand mehr rein…

Initial tests of the Malware Bytes beta also look very promising:

Es bleibt also spannend…

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