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Quick & Dirty: Active Directory Gruppen von Benutzer zu Benutzer kopieren

I have created a small GUI that copies Active Directory groups from one user to another user. The script can be used to quickly transfer all groups of a user to another user account:

The GUI is only very rudimentary, a source user account and a target user account can be selected, a click on "COPY groups from source to target" transfers all groups from the source user to the target user, but leaves existing groups from the target user unchanged.

By clicking on "REPLACE groups from source to target", all groups of the target user are first removed and then all groups of the source user are added.

As already mentioned, this script is quick and dirty, but if you want you can customize it and add error handling and maybe also a security query, because that's all missing...

Actually, the AD Picker is the reason for this little script, because I wanted to test it. Although the AD Picker is older, it also works perfectly with Server 2016. I still have a few use cases for the AD Picker in the future.

The AD Object Picker can be downloaded separately here:

Active Directory Object Picker dialog

However, the necessary DLL is already included in the download of the script and does not have to be downloaded separately.

If anyone knows another way to select Active Directory objects within PowerShell scripts, please leave a short comment. Prerequisite for the GUI are the PowerShell CMDLets for Active Directory.

You can download the script here:

The archive also contains the Sapien PowerShell Studio file, the interface can be customized using PowerShell Studio.

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