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Simple certificate management with Excel and notification

All certificates have an expiration date, which is usually a long time in the future. Who remembers a certificate that was purchased 2 years ago or even longer? Some CAs send reminder e-mails, but not all. For internal CAs, perhaps the CA-Reporter can help. If you only have a few purchased certificates, you can manage them using Excel and a little PowerShell, simply enter data in the list, create a scheduled task for the Powershell and you're done, just a simple certificate management:

The PowerShell script can read the Excel file and send reminder e-mails to a central contact person and to the applicant's e-mail address.

Um eine Mail zu verschicken müssen nur die ersten 5 Zeilen in der Datei „Zertifikatsverwaltung.ps1“ angepasst werden:

$Filepath ="C:\Einfache Zertifikatsverwaltung\Zertifikatsverwaltung.xlsx"
$MailanAntragsteller = "ja"
$smtpserver = ""
$sender = ""
$recipient = ""

The script and the Excel file do not have to be in the same folder; a network drive can also be specified. Excel must be installed on the computer that executes the PS1 file. The PS1 file can be started once a day via task scheduling so that reminder e-mails are sent. A simple task that starts the Powershell.exe with the specification of the PS1 file is sufficient for task scheduling:




-Command „& ‚C:\Einfache Zertifikatsverwaltung\Zertifikatsverwaltung.ps1′“


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