Sophos UTM and Let's Encrypt certificates

Today I stumbled across an interesting workaround for the Sophos UTM and Let's Encrypt certificates:

René has taken the trouble to create a script that can automatically renew Let's Encrypt certificates on the Sophos UTM.

The implementation is relatively simple and worked right away in my test environment. As the Let's Encrypt CA needs to access the web server to perform the domain validation, the check file must be copied to the web server behind the WAF. I tested this successfully using FTP.

Note: This is a workaround that is not officially supported by Sophos, currently Sophos UTM does not provide direct support for the ACME client. For test environments, however, it is still a good way to obtain valid certificates.

According to my information, direct support for Let's Encrypt and Sophos UTM is planned for one of the next versions. Until then, you will probably have to be patient.

Let's Encrypt

It certainly can't hurt if a few more votes are added to the feature request:

5 thoughts on “Sophos UTM und Let’s Encrypt Zertifikate”

  1. Im Sophos Webinar wurde nun Let’s Encrypt mit der v9.6 angekündigt. Also vermutlich erst Ende 2017 / Anfang 2018.
    Dafür gibt es in der v9.5 im April Meldungen vor einem Zertifikatablauf und für die WAF URL-Redirection und WAF Templates.

  2. Anhand des Shell Workarount und Frankys Script habe ich begonnen einen Workaround über REST-API zu bauen. Was m.E. nicht den Support sprengen sollte.
    Ich bin allerdings nicht weit gekommen, da momentan meine Programmierkenntnisse, die Testumgebung und benötigte Zeit unzureichend sind :-)
    Wenn jemand hier weiter machen will, kann ich gerne meinen Ansatz per PM zukommen lassen.
    Gruß Nathan


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