How Michel reacts to the HTTP proxy of the UTM has been crashing at irregular intervals since today. A corresponding mail lands in the inbox:
Http proxy not running - restarted
The problem is due to a faulty pattern update for the UTM which was rolled out by Sophos. In the meantime, a corrected pattern has been published (u2d-appctrl43-9.42).
Here is the corresponding Sophos KB article:
The Up2Date protocol can be used to check whether the update has already been installed:
Installing up2date package: /var/up2date/appctrl43/u2d-appctrl43-9.42.tgz.gpg
Since a lot of core dumps were created due to the crashes, I also had the problem that my data partition was almost full:
The many core dumps can be deleted on the shell with the following commands:
sudo su - rm /var/storage/cores/httpproxy*
It's great when the first day after vacation starts like this...
Das Biest hat mich den ganzen Montag gekostet :)