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Sophos UTM: New update (9.510-4)

After almost 4 months, Sophos has released an update for the UTM. The update to version 9.510-4 closes various security gaps and fixes some functional problems. Long-awaited features, such as support for Let's Encrypt and IKEv2, are still a long time coming.

Here is the list of changes:

Unfortunately, updates for the UTM are appearing at increasingly irregular intervals; as mentioned at the beginning, the last update was 4 months ago. For example, Sophos only closed a gap in BIND (CVE-2017-3145) with this update, although the problem was reported in January 2018:

I would like Sophos to release updates more quickly here.

If the update is not yet displayed in WebAdmin, it can be downloaded manually here:

As Sophos has not been very good with updates in the past, a backup should be created before the update.

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