Suggest / request new contributions

Here you now have the opportunity to suggest a topic for a new article. So if you have a question about a specific topic relating to Exchange or Active Directory, or simply want to know how function XY works and can be used, then you are welcome to submit a suggestion for a new article.

A proposal should fit thematically to Exchange Server or Active Directory, but may also include other products (similar to my existing articles on Exchange and Kemp / Sophos). If other products are included in the proposal, it should of course also be possible to obtain a corresponding test version.

A new contribution always takes a certain amount of time, so if it is more of a concrete problem, then a question in the Forum Probably faster to the goal. If possible, please try to describe the proposal as precisely as possible so that I can respond to the question as accurately as possible.

The following form can be used to submit a proposal:

    So that this post doesn't disappear over time, the form can also be found at the top of the menu bar (next to all the social media icons). I'm looking forward to your suggestions and will always try to give you feedback.