Protect Windows file servers from ransomware (Update 2)

I have already published some approaches to getting the ransomware plague under control here: However, I also receive many emails every day asking what else is possible. I have to say: It depends... The scripts in the articles don't work in every environment, but probably have to be ... Read more

Protect clients from infection with ransomware (Locky, Cryptolocker)

We should slowly give ransomware the finger, we can already protect file servers and identify infected clients: Something can also be done on the clients to prevent infection. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution here, but with GPOs you have a powerful tool at hand to at least react to current situations ... Read more

Locky: Identify infected clients

In these two articles, I already presented a way to protect Windows file servers from Locky and other ransomware: Tobbi has also implemented the idea for Netapp Filer: But there are still the clients, from which most of the danger emanates. The faster the computers are identified that are infected with ... Read more

Protect Windows FileServer from Ransomware / Crypto Locker

Ransomware such as Crypto Locker or Locky and other names are becoming more and more of a plague. Only in a few cases is it possible to restore the encrypted data. Without a backup, the damage can quickly become very extensive. Since the Trojans usually start encrypting data from a client and in doing so ... Read more