Tip: Exchange on HP Proliant Gen9 Server

Ingo Gegenwarth has published a very interesting article regarding Exchange on HP Proliant Gen9 servers on his blog "The clueless guy". The article deals with possible performance problems when Exchange is installed directly on HP servers and the default BIOS settings are kept:

Exchange performance:HP NUMA BIOS settings

Tip: Exchange on HP Proliant Gen9 Server

The following BIOS settings are therefore recommended for HP Server and Exchange:

  • Deactivate Hyper-Threading
  • Set Power Profile to Static High Performance
  • Set NUMA Group Size Optimization to Flat

Note: Ingo's article refers to Exchange servers installed directly on the hardware. If Exchange is running as a virtual machine on HP Proliant servers, Hyper-Threading should normally remain activated and the NUMA Group Size Optimization should also be left at the "Clustered" setting. However, this also applies in virtual environments:

  • Set Power Profile to Static High Performance (otherwise VMs run terribly slowly)

3 thoughts on “Tipp: Exchange auf HP Proliant Gen9 Server”

  1. Hi,
    das Problem haben aber alle HP Server, wenn Static High Performance nicht ausgewählt ist. Dies ist enorm in Virtualisierten Umgebungen Hyper-V oder ESXI zu bemerken.

    Bei über 1600 Virtuellen Kisten kann ich davon ein Lied singen, wenn der Azubi mal wieder vergessen hat das Bios richtig einzustellen.


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