Windows 10 Anniversary Update 1607 for Enterprise Edition

The Windows 10 Anniversary Update 1607 was not offered for download on my PC with Windows 10 Enterprise Edition via Windows Update.


I'm not quite sure if this is how it should be, because I have to admit I haven't really looked into the new Windows update policy. WinVer still shows version 1511:


The Windows 10 Update Assistant also refuses to install the Anniversary Update 1607 on an Enterprise Edition:

Anniversary Update

However, I don't want to install a WSUS server for my few PCs with Windows 10, as that would be a bit excessive:


I therefore had to install the update manually by downloading the Windows 10 Enterprise 1607 ISO and performing the update manually:


I mounted the Windows ISO directly in Windows and then started the update:


Windows 10 1511 could be installed on the current version using the ISO. I had no problems with the update itself.


After installation, version 1607 of WinVer is also displayed


Immediately after installing the update, further Windows updates are already pending.


After the installation, I noticed that the lock screen is displayed again, which can no longer be easily switched off via the registry, as I had done with version 1511. I switched off the lock screen using a local policy (my PC is not located within an AD):


I don't quite understand why Microsoft doesn't simply add a switch box to the control panel so that you can switch off the lock screen on desktops. However, I also didn't understand the point of the lock screen on desktops, just like this really super helpful button in the start menu:


The incredible potential of the new start menu can only be realized by clicking on these 3 lines. These "UI improvements" are really impressive. I'm going to switch off superfluous nonsense for now, there's sure to be a whole "potpourri of good humor" again.

6 thoughts on “Windows 10 Anniversary Update 1607 für Enterprise Edition”

  1. Auch von mir die Frage:
    ich habe das Action Pack, nicht MSDN, und da gibt es kein Update Enterprise 10 – 1607. Was tun?

  2. Super – Vielen Dank das habe ich immer gesucht. Nur eine Frge noch. Ich habe das Action Pack und nicht MSDN und da gibt es kein Update Enterprise 10 – 1607. Was machen? Vielen Dank

  3. Kommt das Upgrade 1607 für Enterprise nicht erst im Ring „Current Branch for Business“ CBB automatisch? also erst 4 Monate später als im „Current Branch“?

  4. Hallo Frank,

    bei mir ist es ähnlich, habe auf meinem Laptop auch noch kein Update der Version 1607 bekommen.
    Ich kann es mir eigentlich nur so erklären das Microsoft die Updates etappenweiese verteilt.

    Viele Grüße


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