Windows Server 10 has just been released as a preview. I downloaded the ISO file and installed it straight away. Here is a first impression.
Nothing has changed in the setup so far, I'm not sure right now, has there always been no version number behind Windows Server?
So there will also be a core version again
You can do little wrong during installation
As usual, you will be asked for the admin password after installation
At first glance, the Server Manager looks exactly like the Server Manager in Server 2012 R2
But there is a start menu
And the PowerShell 5
There are already updates?! The preview was released not even 2 hours ago...
Let's see what's new in the Active Directory
Looks like there are no new features yet, Server 2012 can be selected as the highest function level
On the surface, nothing has changed in the AD
Windows 10 also joins the domain, where the Start menu also appears in all its glory
Incidentally, just under 12 GB is stored on the server's hard disk.
The first conclusion: The installation is quick, the system also works quickly and so far I have not received any error messages. Only one diagnostic service may not start in my VM, but at first glance Windows Server 10 makes a good impression. There will certainly be a lot more to do before the final version is released, but the preview already looks like a good basis. I will continue testing.