Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate available

Today the release candidate of Windows Server 2012 was published by Microsoft. If you would like to take a look at the new Microsoft Server, you can download it here:

Of course, I did this to get an impression of the new operating system. The last version I had installed was the beta, which was still called Windows 8 Server. Now the name is fixed: Windows Server 2012! I took a few screenshots during the installation, so if you don't have the time or inclination, you can at least take a first look at the new version here.

The installation dialog is already known from Windows 2008 R2 Server, so there is little new here. I assume that there will be a direct way to upgrade Server 2008 R2 to Server 2012. At least an option in the installation dialog indicates this. Whether a migration of the server is not the better choice remains to be seen. The installation is quick and smooth, it feels faster than with Server 2008 R2, so it makes a good impression. The first boot is also completed quickly.

Only the word "Windows" and the rotating dots are displayed during the boot process. It seems that the tidier design of Windows 8 is also reflected in the server version.

That went quickly. After logging in, the new Server Manager appears immediately. In contrast to the Server Manager in Server 2008 R2, this one seems to respond more quickly:

I find the option of managing several servers via a Server Manager very practical. Powershell 3 is also on board and comes with lots of new CMDlets. I am excited.

A good 11 GB ends up on the disk. I install the Active Directory role J

Once restarted, the first DC is installed in no time at all, and the new overall structure function level is now also available. Installing roles is therefore easy J I'll add a CA and the IIS for the test. I'm still a bit clumsy with the new design, but I'll get there.

I haven't had that much time to test the new server yet, but so far it makes a good impression. The new start menu or dashboard is unfamiliar, but you quickly get used to it. I think I've pressed the Windows key more often today than in the last 2 years, so I still have to get used to it. Basically, though, I don't think it's a bad thing to have all the important consoles directly on one screen and not have to make several clicks in the Start menu on Server 2008 R2.

That's it for now. I will introduce the new functions one by one.

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