Windows Server 2016 TP4 and Flash Player?

So if Microsoft is already pre-installing the Flash Player in the server editions, then we will probably see this more often:

Flash Player

This is the Technical Preview 4 of Server 2016. I hope Flash Player is no longer included in the final version, because Adobe had to plug 23 security holes in Flash Player in March 2016 alone:

In February 2016, there were 22 security vulnerabilities:

I actually thought the update above would remove the "thing" at the bottom:

Flash Player

But there is one good thing about it, FINALLY the great Flash games also work by default on Windows Terminal Servers, which makes life much easier...

In TP4 there is even a new function called "Fully automatic data encryption" calls... Can be used very easily with the TP4...

So, enough picking on it... Oh, no, I have one more. If the Flash Player stays in the RTM, can I also get Exchange Server for Linux, please?

Is this perhaps the "real" reason why the developers of SQL Server prefer to develop SQL Server for Linux rather than for Server 2016? I'm just saying...

2 thoughts on “Windows Server 2016 TP4 und Flash Player?”

  1. Ich würde sagen, dass ist der Versuch von Microsoft, die Nutzer dazu zu bringen, in Zukunft die Server Core Option oder Nano Server zu verwenden. Dort wird der Flash Player ja hoffentlich nicht dabei sein! ;-)


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