Domain Controller under Windows Server 2025 currently have the problem, dass ein falsches Netzwerkprofil geladen wird. Nach einem Neustart des Servers wird das Netzwerkprofil „Public“ geladen, obwohl es sich um einen Domain Controller handelt. Hier mal ein Screenshot direkt nach dem Start des Betriebssystems aus der GUI
And here is a screenshot from the PowerShell:
Zu sehen ist, dass sich der Netzwerkadapter im Profil „Public“ befindet, eigentlich müsste hier aber das Profil „Domain Autehnticated“ geladen werden. In der GUI müsste es so aussehen:
And in the shell as follows:
Bei Windows Server 2022 gab es ein ähnliches Problem, der Fix von „damals“ (Abhängigkeiten des Dienstes „Network Location Awerness“ anpassen) hilft bei Windows Server 2025 nicht mehr.
The only thing that currently seems to help is restarting the network adapter after system startup. Here is an example:
I have already received a few emails on the subject and, as you can see, I was able to reproduce the behavior.
To be honest, I didn't notice that the wrong profile was being loaded during my initial tests, as I didn't notice any problems. I would therefore be interested to know whether you are experiencing or have experienced problems with the wrong network profile.
By default, the Windows Firewall rules for domain controllers are loaded in all profiles. Here is an example:
In my environment I have not noticed any problems, domain join, GPOs, replication, etc. all work as expected. I have therefore so far dismissed it as a cosmetic problem. Is it different for you?
The only solution that works for me is to restart the network adapter. However, this has to be done after every system start, as the public profile is reloaded after every restart. I have therefore created a scheduled task as a workaround, which restarts the network adapter at system startup. Here are the settings:
The small PowerShell script then takes over the restart:
$NetworkCategory = Get-NetConnectionProfile.NetworkCategory
if ($NetworkCategory -match "Public") {
Get-Netadapter | Restart-Netadapter
Feel free to write in the comments what experiences you have had.