Another script from the Quick-and-Dirty series:
The following script can be used to quickly write the mailboxes and the limits at mailbox level to a CSV file:
"Name;IssueWarningQuota;SendQuota;SendReceiveQuota;Size" | add-content "postfaecher.csv"
$mbxlist = get-mailbox
foreach ($mbx in $mbxlist)
$size = Get-MailboxStatistics $mbx | ForEach-Object {$_.TotalItemSize} | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$name = $mbx.Name
$IW = $mbx.IssueWarningQuota
$SQ = $mbx.ProhibitSendQuota
$SRQ = $mbx.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota
"$name;$IW;$SQ;$SRQ;$size" | add-content "postfaecher.csv"
The script creates a CSV file with the name "Postfaecher.csv" and saves the limits (name, warning level, send limit, send and receive limit, mailbox size) in it.
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