Microsoft Technical Summit 2016 in Darmstadt

The Microsoft Technical Summit 2016 will take place again this year in Darmstadt. You can already block the date from 06.12. to 08.12.2016 in your calendar.

Technical Summit

The Germany's largest Microsoft conference for developers and IT professionals is entering its third round. In December, national and international experts will take to the stage again at the Technical Summit 2016 and pass on their valuable specialist knowledge to you.

Thanks to a balanced agenda with various keynotes, workshops and sessions, stay true to the motto "connecting.technologies.", get to know upcoming technologies and get a taste of new topics.

You can also benefit from the great opportunity to meet Microsoft experts, community leaders, partner companies, company representatives and many like-minded people, exchange ideas with them and thus expand your own personal network.

Remember the December 6 to 8, 2016 for a visit to the Technical Summit 2016 in your calendar. Registration for the conference will be open shortly.


I have been to the last 2 Technical Summits and was very impressed with the event, so I will try to attend again this year.

The program is not yet fixed, but it can't hurt to take a look at the site from time to time to get one of the coveted places for the workshop day.

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